Introduction to Digital Photography

Start date: 25 April 2025
Day: Friday
Course length: 5 Week Course
Time: 10:00 to 13:00

Course code: BA43

Full fee: £135.00 | Over 65s: £121.50 | Benefit: £108.00

Tutor: Lee Spencer-Fleet

Courses description

This course is suitable for DSLR, Mirrorless, Compact System or Bridge Cameras only.

Your friendly tutor will support you to use your digital camera, making sense of the camera controls and menus. You will leave Auto Mode and experiment with Shutter Speed Priority and Aperture Priority Modes, bringing creativity to your images. There will also be time to explore interesting aspects of Digital Photography each week, including Composition, shooting in JPEG and RAW, Black and White, Camera Lenses, Speedlight Flash and Image Editing.

Material List
Fees & further information

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For Terms and Conditions click here.