Learn to Play Folk and Country Harmonica

Start date: 22 June 2025
Day: Sunday
Course length: 1 Day Course
Time: 10:00 to 16:00

Course code: SD12

Full fee: £67.00 | Over 65s: £60.30 | Benefit: £53.60

Tutor: Aidan Sheehan

Courses description

Learn to play some real Folk and Country tunes using a 10 hole diatonic harmonica in the Folk friendly key of G (which allows you to play pieces in the keys of G, D and Am). User-friendly course, no need to read music, TAB supplied. Please bring along your own harmonica (fully working, ten holes, no button / slider, such as a "Hohner Marine Band" or "Hohner Special 20"). This course is suitable for IMPROVERS and INTERMEDIATE level (students who can bend notes on the harmonica). Enjoy!

Material List
Fees & further information

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