Oil Painting for Improvers

Start date: 05 November 2024
Day: Tuesday
Course length: 6 Week Course
Time: 18:45 to 20:45

Course code: BA18

Full fee: £118.00 | Over 65s: £106.20 | Benefit: £94.40

Tutor: Warren Sealey

Courses description

A course for painters who have some experience with oil painting or have already completed a beginners course. During this course we will extend experience of oil painting including tonal values, colour mixing, painting procedures and technical elements such as when to use oil mediums. Students will be painting from photographs. They can choose their own subjects, these can include still-life, landscape and portrait painting. Students pick their own subjects that interest them, either bring with them or pick from the teachers selection of various subjects. The tutor will offer demonstrations and one-to-one support with your oil painting practice.

Student testimonials:

It was a really good atmosphere, Warren is very good in welcoming all, the teaching was great, very knowledgable, encouraging, entertaining, all one would like form a course.

The tone of a group is set by its head and Warren's nice demeanor made for a friendly easy going group.

Material List
Fees & further information

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