Full Fee: £180.00
Over 65's Fee: £162.00
Benefit Fee: £144.00
Course Code: £BA27
Tutor: Bill Guilding
Length: 10 Weeks
Term: Summer Weeks
Type: course Weeks
Code Letter: BA Weeks
A course in the art of painting: from observation, sketches, photographs, and the imagination, representational or otherwise. The course will be adjusted to the inclinations of the students. It is a mixed ability class, with each student following their own interests with support from the tutor. If you consider yourself a complete beginner, please email admin@bristolfolkhouse.co.uk so that we can notify the tutor.
Student testimonial: I really like the approach of being able to get on with a painting whilst having a tutor to make suggestions/feedback in quite an informal way. The looser structure helps creativity. Very friendly class.
Please refer to materials list.
If you want to paint very realistically, use oils rather than acrylics. Otherwise either is okay. Please bring along:
Student quality oil or acrylic paints in the following colours:
Black & Titanium white
Lemon yellow & Cadmium yellow Deep
Ultramarine blue & Phthalo or Winsor blue
Cadmium red & Magenta or Purple or Alizarin crimson
Raw umber & Phthalo or Viridian green
2 flat hog-hair brushes about 8mm and 14 mm wide,
2 pointed round soft synthetic fibre brushes, 2mm and 4mm in diameter,
1 small house painting brush 1 inch or 20-25mm.
Canvas: an oil or acrylic sketch pad - A3, or 16 x 12 inches.
Palette: we can provide palettes for acrylics, though they are no longer white.
For oils please bring your own, ideally a tear-off palette.
For oil painters only: Low odour thinners, cheapest at B&Q etc. NOT turps or white spirit please.
Pencil and rubber.
Overall or old shirt.
Please get in touch if you have any additional needs that would be helpful for us to know about, and we will try to arrange adjustments for you to better access the workshop. If you need to bring a carer with you, please let us know in advance so we can ensure there is enough space. Email us on admin@bristolfolkhouse.co.uk or call us on 01179262987.
Please note: All 10, and 12 week courses have a half term break in the middle. For term dates please visit our ‘Contact us’ page. We are not open on bank holiday Monday’s and any class that falls on these days will be made up at the end of term.
Please see full terms and conditions for more information.
If a course has already started, please call the office as it may be possible to join after the start date. This may only be possible if the course is not already full, if it is not disruptive for the other students and you are aware that you have missed a percentage of the course and the tutor will not have time to catch you up. This will be at the discretion of the Folk House. We run our courses termly, so it might be best to start at the beginning of the course.
Access/ Parking