Tai Chi

Start date: 19 September 2024
Day: Thursday
Course length: 12 Week Course
Half term: no classes between 28th October and 1st November
Time: 15:15 to 16:15

Course code: BF10

Full fee: £108.00 | Over 65s: £97.20 | Benefit: £86.40

Tutor: Sarah Bartlett

Courses description

Tai Chi was originally a  Chinese martial art that was later developed both for healing the self and others. In the West it is now practiced mainly for it’s amazing health benefits. This class will focus on the health aspect via studying various techniques including  Tai Chi form and standing postures developed by Tai Chi Grandmaster Dr Shen Hongxun.  You will learn how to use the body as a unified whole via flowing movements that cultivate balance, strength, calm, and flexibility. Through the movements of Tai Chi we activate our body’s natural forces, and then use these for martial practice as well as self-healing. The natural quietening of the mind that develops, means that Tai Chi can be thought of as a form of moving meditation. Classes will teach the fundamental principles of energy cultivation, how to apply these principles in each of the Tai Chi postures, and then how to string these postures together in a Yang style Tai Chi form.

Material List
Fees & further information

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