Vocal Essentials Online

Start date: 14 September 2024
Day: Saturday
Course length: 1 Day Course
Time: 13:00 to 16:00

Course code: SD10

Full fee: £28.50 | Over 65s: £25.65 | Benefit: £22.80

Tutor: John Smith

Courses description

This online workshop allows beginner singers (and those who just want to learn more about their voice) the chance to take a deeper look into vocal mechanics and build confidence in singing, in a relaxed and pressure free environment.

You will gain an understanding of the way our voices work, learn healthy vocal techniques (including breath support and mix voice), gain confidence in vocal performance, and make warming up an easy part of your singing routine.

This Workshop focuses on vocal mechanics and is packed with content, alongside the singing. As a beginner friendly workshop, it's structured to gradually help develop healthy vocal technique.

Material List
Fees & further information

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