Beginners Line Dancing

Start date: 11 May 2025
Day: Sunday
Course length: 1 Day Course
Time: 10:00 to 12:00

Course code: SD01

Full fee: £19.00 | Over 65s: £17.10 | Benefit: £15.20

Tutor: Christine Power

Courses description

Thought to originate in the US, Line Dancing has become a global phenomenon with new dances constantly being created. Predominantly danced to pop music from the 1950s onwards, it is no longer restricted to its country and western origins. With set sequences to remember, Line Dancing is an exercise for the mind as well as the body!

A workshop for complete beginners which will cover the basic steps and terminology, while learning dances together. We will have a short break during the session.

Material List
Fees & further information

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