Complete Figure Drawing and Anatomy

Start date: 05 June 2025
Day: Thursday
Course length: 5 Week Course
Time: 14:00 to 16:00

Course code: BA13

Full fee: £100.00 | Over 65s: £90.00 | Benefit: £80.00

Tutor: Andy Gray

Courses description

For both beginners and returners this course will provide students with a complete understanding of simplified anatomy for the human form that can be applied to many other practices, such as life drawing, portraiture, illustration, animation and sculpture.

You will be able to draw the body correctly in proportion as well as successfully move it in 3-dimensions, understanding weight and gesture by utilising a variety of poses and eventually exaggerating the form for style. Returners will progress onto the next level of exercises working closely with the tutor.

Student testimonial: Brilliant. Especially the introduction to water soluble graphite massive thank you Andy.

Material List
Fees & further information

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