How to Start a Photography Business

Start date: 24 May 2025
Day: Saturday
Course length: 1 Day Course
Time: 10:00 to 13:00

Course code: SA43

Full fee: £28.50 | Over 65s: £25.65 | Benefit: £22.80

Tutor: Adrian Wyatt

Courses description

Starting a Photography Business?

In 2020 Adrian quit his job and went self employed as a photographer. Three days later lockdown came! It seemed like the dream was over before it had begun. However, Adrian now runs a photography business (see his bio) incorporating different genres, both in the UK and abroad where he has navigated many questions and pitfalls and knows there are many yet to come.

He sees this journey as a roller coaster ride, with up and downs, twists and turns but at least he gets a buzz from being out of the safe 9 to 5 ride he was in danger of accepting.

In this workshop, Adrian won't tell you if you are good enough, if you are doing this course you most likely are, but he will help you to navigate some of the questions, pitfalls and provide some resilience tips for the harder times.

What we will cover:

Discuss the motivation for taking this step.

Discuss the genres of photography as related to participants.

Explore what options for a career are available.

What you do you and even more, not, need.

Website, build your own or have it built?

Social Media

Ensuring time for yourself.

Getting clients, some tips.

Under valuing your work, a big one!


Building personal resilience.

This is a course for those who have not yet taken the step, or those who recently have and are panicking!

Student testimonial:

Adrian's workshop was the perfect antidote to a life being lived too seriously and it felt very much like 'me' time. I really enjoyed the day and found it so valuable. I found the reassurance that there is no 'wrong' photo really freeing.

Material List
Fees & further information

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