Painting in Oils and Acrylics

Start date: 23 April 2025
Day: Wednesday
Course length: 10 Week Course
Half term: no classes between 26th and 30th May
Time: 17:15 to 19:15

Course code: BA27

Full fee: £180.00 | Over 65s: £162.00 | Benefit: £144.00

Tutor: Bill Guilding

Courses description

A course in the art of painting: from observation, sketches, photographs, and the imagination, representational or otherwise. The course will be adjusted to the inclinations of the students. It is a mixed ability class, with each student following their own interests with support from the tutor. If you consider yourself a complete beginner, please email so that we can notify the tutor.

Student testimonial: I really like the approach of being able to get on with a painting whilst having a tutor to make suggestions/feedback in quite an informal way. The looser structure helps creativity. Very friendly class.

Please refer to materials list.

Material List
Fees & further information

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