Full fee: £19.00 | Over 65s: £17.10 | Benefit: £15.20
Tutor: Claire - Louise Symonds
This Yummy Yin Workshop will support you to explore different shapes, find a comfortable edge and use props to rest into that shape. Yin Yoga is a newer style of yoga that uses props to allow the muscles to release and let go, therefore enabling us to work more deeply and gently into the connective tissue and fascia layers of the body. This can bring about release within the body and mind as we rest and focus on the breath in each of the different shapes. Yin yoga works with the energy meridians to bring more balanced flow within the body. We all generally tend to lead more yang life styles than involve busyness and doing throughout the majority of the day/week. So Yin Yoga supports balance and an opportunity for the nervous system to reset itself.
Mats are provided; however, you are welcome to bring your own. Please bring a blanket and a cushion or yoga bolster
Please note: All 10, and 12 week courses have a half term break in the middle. For term dates please visit our Contact us page. We are not open on bank holiday Mondays and any class that falls on these days will be made up at the end of term.
Please see full terms and conditions for more information.
If a course has already started, please call the office as it may be possible to join after the start date. This may only be possible if the course is not already full, if it is not disruptive for the other students and you are aware that you have missed a percentage of the course and the tutor will not have time to catch you up. This will be at discretion of the Folk House. We run our courses termly, so it might be best to start at the beginning of the course.
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