Connie Whitham is a photographer currently based in Bristol. Narrative plays a crucial part within their practice, through the use of environmental portraiture, documentary and fashion photography. They have a real interest in the power of photography as a storytelling tool, picking apart images to discover hidden meanings and messages. Throughout their work, Connie has been drawn to narratives exploring the human experience, relationships and identity.
Film photography really helped Connie develop their work, in relation to both outcomes and process. Being hesitant to trying film at first, they soon fell in love with how thought provoking shooting analogue was, allowing you to be particular with what you shoot and prioritising quality over quantity. The darkroom also stood out within their way of working, giving the opportunity to be more hands on, from processing to printing. Connie now almost only work with film, experimenting with darkroom printing to get the best quality and feel out of their images.
Instagram: @c.onniewhitham
Connie is not teaching any courses right now.